Welcome to Celebration Kidz

As an outreach to our community, we commit to educate children in a nurturing environment that reflects God's love; strengthening their development through a focus on the whole child.

Embracing Childhood


Our experienced staff really enjoy getting to know each child and helping them prepare for their next educational experience.

Awesome Students

We value each child as created in God’s image and will educate in a manner that affirms children and respects their individual uniqueness.

Great Curriculum

We value the importance of a curriculum that follows our mission statement; reflecting God’s love and strengthening their development through a focus on the whole child.


Because God has given parents responsibility for the nurture and training of their children, we will help them fulfill this calling in partnership with the church.

Our main classes



Pre-K Enrichment


First Grade

Second Grade

Registration open for all families!

Get Started Today

Our Core Values

Church &

We aim to build meaningful relationships with both the children and the parents, taking heed to their needs and knowing them on a personal basis. In doing so, we hope to build a relationship between the community and the church.


Using the Bible as God’s guide for our faith and life, we will follow its’ direction for the spiritual, intellectual, social, emotional and physical development of each child.


We value childhood and believe it should be celebrated and held in safekeeping. We value each child as created in God’s image and will educate in a manner that affirms children and respects their individual uniqueness.

Teaching & Curriculum

We believe that teaching by example is vital. We will model and teach Christian faith principles and biblical studies as well as intellectual studies. We value the importance of a curriculum that follows our mission statement; reflecting God’s love and strengthening their development through a focus on the whole child.


Because God has given parents responsibility for the nurturing and training of their children, we will help them fulfill this calling in partnership with the church.


Jesus demonstrated gentleness when he said, “Let the children come to me.” Even when the disciples were quick to turn the children away, Jesus accepted them with open arms. We value the importance of gentleness and commit to teaching and correcting children in a gentle manner.

Join us! 2nd Annual Dinner Auction

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Want to get in touch?  We would love to hear from you, simply fill out the form below:
